Top mystery of oak island treasure

The three friends realised theywould need more manpower and better equipment, and returned home, eager toraise the funds needed for a more ambitious attempt.Initially they failed, but in 1803 a local doctor called Simeon Lynds heard of Smith’sdiscoveries on Oak Island and was suitably interested to raise funds from among his friends. The new team dug in earnest and found platforms of logs and clay at ten-foot intervals. By the time
they reached the 90-feet mark, the team was removing one bucket of water with every two buckets of mud. Lateone evening they found what they thought was the last layer before the treasure. Theyhad the next day off, and spent the time planning how to split their expected wealth.The next Monday morning, however, all but the top thirty feet of the shaft was filled with murky, muddy water. The group tried to bail the water out, but the level remained constant. They tried pumping the water out,but to no avail and abandoned that attempt
oak island treasure

This real, tangible evidence of treasure, and the obvious efforts of who ever hid it, has helped to promote and encourage continual efforts to raise the bounty.The question of who owned the treasure has also baffled interested minds. The suggestion that it is Inca gold, hidden as the natives fled from Spanish settlers, has been mooted. There is the idea that it is a cache of British Army war chests, hidden as their forces retreated during the American War of Independence. However, in 1937, a New England businessman, Gilbert D. Heddon,researched the possibility that the wealth belonged to the well-known privateer,Captain William Kidd. Heddon hoped that by reading Kidd’s history he would findclues leading to details of a shaft’s contents.Like all others, his efforts proved fruitless.By 1965 Oak Island had turned
into a honey comb of shafts and tunnels, so the American geologist, Bob Dunfield tried ame t hod of brute force to find the treasure. He imported a 70-tonne crane and dug a hole140 deep and 100 feet wide, but found nothing other than the remnants of earlier searches. In 1970, a new investment group called the Triton Alliance commissioned a complete geological study of the island. Thereport’s findings have never been released tothe public, but it enthused the Triton groupenough to excavate the site. They began aproject called Borehole 10-X, which foundpieces of brass, china and wood cribbing 200feet down, but the project has sufferednumerous problems.Many locals claim that centuries ofhaphazard searching have left the island insuch a mess that the hidden loot will neverbe found. Others still believe it might bepossible to recover the hoard. But, for now atleast, it looks as if the secret treasures of OakIslandare safely buried.