A close view of jack the ripper
IN 1888,THE WORLD’ Smost famous serialkiller stalked the dark, grimy streets ofLondon’s East End. ‘Jack the Ripper’was the original celebrity mass-murderer, and seta trend for homicidal maniacs which seems to grow with each year. The fear surroundingthe recent Washington sniper incidents, for example, has many similarities with theterror created by this forefather of death-dealing criminals. In these types of cases, the impact of the crime is heightened by the mystery surrounding the actual killer’s identity. Unlike many of his modern age copyists, Jack the Ripper was not caught oreven named, and to this day it has never been conclusively proven who he really was.London’s White chapel district was knownas one of the poorest areas of the city, and atthe time, was home to over a thousand prostitutes.
It was also the area which wouldbecome the focus of the Ripper’s attacks. Hisreign of terror officially began in the openinghours of 31st August 1888, when a marketporter spotted a woman lying in a doorwayon Buck’s Row in Whitechapel. Rather thanapproach the woman, the porter went to find the beat policeman. When he arrived, hefound the woman’s throat had been deeply cut and a medical examination later revealed her body had been mutilated. Her identity was also discovered: she was Mary Ann Nichols, known as Polly, a 42-year-oldprostitute.Barely a week later, at 6am on 8thSeptember, the body of another woman wasfound in Hanbury Street, near Buck’s Row.She was Annie Chapman, a 45-year-oldprostitute whose head had been almost entirely severed from her neck; she had alsobeen disembowelled.Fear was beginning to spread through outthe community. For the first time in history,the people had a literate public and a scruti-nising press, who were putting the policeunder a new sort of pressure.
Not only werethe police there to protect the people ofLondon, they also had to cope with the novelstress of proving their own competence. Just asin modern mass murder cases, the effect ofsupposition, myths and rumours in news-paper coverage led to a great deal of anxiety.By the time the Ripper struck again, theWhitechapel area was interested in only onething. The Ripper did not disappoint. In thedark early hours of 30th September acostume jewellery salesman arrived home inBerners Street, where he discovered the bodyof Elizabeth Stride, a prostitute who had hadher throat slit. As police rushed to the sceneand searched the nearby streets, the Rippermade off to Mitre Square, in the City ofLondon, and killed Catharine Eddowes.Although the earlier victim had not beenmutilated, many believe the Ripper had beeninterrupted during this procedure. Eddowes’remains were not so well preserved and shewas found disembowelled.
This night become known as the ‘double event’, and was the focus of many letters sent into the police. Although most came from members of the public offering advice, some purported to come from the Ripper himself and were given more credence than others.One dated 28th September goaded and teased the police, and was the origin of the nameJack the Ripper, which was how the sender signed off. The second was a postcard dated1st October and referred to the ‘double event’of the night before. The third letter was posted a fortnight later and even included asection of a kidney allegedly removed from Catharine Eddowes. Although the police, asin modern times, had to suspect that the secorrespondences came from a crank or ahoaxer, the kidney included in the third letter was shrivelled and diseased.
An interestingfact is that not only was Eddowes analcoholic, she also suffered from Bright’sdisease, and this organ displayed all the signsof being from such an afflicted body.The police believed they had discovered apattern to the killings the first occurred on31st August, the second on 8th September,the third and fourth on 30th September.They believed the next would happen on the8th of October, but in fact the Ripper did notstrike for the whole of that month. His finalofficial murder actually occurred on 9thNovember in Miller’s Court, a building closeto where the other killings had taken place.Another prostitute, 24-year-old Mary JaneKelly was found by her landlord with herbody utterly mutilated. This time, themurder had taken place inside, and the killerhad had all night to dissect the corpseAlthough these five murders are allassigned to the Ripper, there is thepossibility he may have killed two or threemore woman in London around that time.
Annie Chapman, victim of the Ripper
However, the police were at a loss to find there al name of the man behind the crimes and employed a policy of information suppression to try to reassure the public.Despite this, Londoners were fully awarethat police work was proving fruitless atobtaining a clear picture of the Ripper’sidentity. But some of those in the force didhave their own theories, and many police doctors who examined the victims’ bodies suggested the Ripper was likely to besomeone with medical training. In 1894 the Chief Constable of the Metropolitan Police Force, Sir Melville Macnaghten, wrote areport which named Montague John Druitt, abarrister who committed suicide shortly afterthe Kelly murder, as the most likely suspect.However, at the time Macnaghten believedDruitt to be a trained doctor, which subse-quent research proved to be false.
Macnaghten also named two more possibleRippers. One was Aaron Kosminski, a PolishJew who lived in the Whitechapel area andwas placed in an insane asylum in March1889. Although one of the chief investigatingofficers, Robert Anderson, had a great beliefin Kosminski’s guilt, the Pole’s behaviouralrecords from his time in the asylum containnothing to suggest he was homicidal.Macnaghten’s final suspect, Michael Ostrog,was a Russian lunatic. Despite being aconvicted criminal and possibly havingsome medical training, his behaviour understudied conditions also did not point to anability for multiple murders. In recent years,Ripper investigators have considered DrFrancis Tumblety, an American doctor whofled London shortly after the murders.Despite thinking him a possible suspect, theMetropolitan Police at the time decided torule him out of its enquires.As with many mysteries, the identityof theRipper has become the domain of conspiracytheorists. This has led to people from all walksof life – members of the monarchy, royalservants, high-ranking police officers, Russianspies and even crazed evangelists – beingaccused of holding the Ripper’s identity.However, in the last few of years a study hasbeen conducted by the crime writer PatriciaCornwell. She used $4million of her ownmoney to investigate if there is a link betweenthe Ripper and Walter Sickert, an impres-sionist painter who may have had connectionswith Whitechapel around the dates of themurders.
Twenty years after the killings, hecreated a series of paintings that depicted deadand gruesomely mauled prostitutes. Cornwellhas used modern technologies and intenseexaminations of his work, and is so convincedof Sickert’s guilt that she is staking herreputation on him being the Ripper.Modern Ripper investigators, just like theVictorian London police forces, fail to agreewith each other. There were so manyunsavoury characters roaming London at thetime that almost any suspect could havebeen linked to the murders in some way. Asthe years blur the truth, so the plausibility ofmany different suspects increases, whilst thedefinitive proof needed to decide on onedisappears in the fog of time..