Voodoo black majic
NOTIONS SUCH AS CURSES, black magic,pin dolls and skeleton-paintedpriests are inextricably linked withthe popular perception of Voodoo. Acombination of Hollywood movies, fictionalnovels and comic book story lines havehelped instil the idea that Voodoo is amysterious, evil religion, stemming fromdarkest Africa. Many people believe it hasbeen used to bring about the early deaths ofunwelcome researchers and to resurrect thezombified bodies of dead believers.However, those who practise Voodoo saythese rumours and myths have been borneout of ignorance and misplaced fear. Voodoo,they say, is actually a peaceful religion verysimilar in emphasis to the Catholic faith.They say it should cause no feeling oftrepidation in anybody.
Voodoo, also known as Vodun, Vodoun,Voudou or Sevi Lua, originated in the westAfrican countries of Nigeria, Benin and Togo.‘Voodoo’ is an ancient African word for‘Great Spirit’, and the religion itself isbelieved to stretch back many millennia. Thefirst the developed world knew of it waswhen slave traders started capturing Africanworkers in the sixteenth century, anddeporting them to the West Indies. Onarriving in the islands, the slaves wereforcibly invested in the Catholic faith, but asthere were few facilities for them to actuallypractise this new religion, many slippedback into their native traditions.Their religion was founded on the idea ofone supreme God – an unknowable butalmighty force. Under Him there lies anetwork of ‘Loa’ or spirits, which are broadlyequivalent to the Christian idea of patronsaints. Each Loa represents a different area oflife and has certain qualities.
For example, ifa farmer was worried about his crops hewould focus his worship on the Loa knownas ‘Zaka’, the spirit of agriculture. Despitethe similarity between these African faiths,and their own, the French and Spanishconquerors refused to accept that theseenslaved savages could have their ownindigenous religion. Fearing that they wereactually worshipping the devil, Voodoo wasbanned, and slave leaders and priests werebeaten into confessing that their rituals wereevilHowever, the Voodoo faith was continuedin secret, particularly in Haiti. Over time iteven adopted some aspects of the Catholicreligion, as descendants of the original slavesspread throughout across the Caribbean.
The belief of West Indian workers mixed withVoodoo practices of slaves taken to theAmerican southlands and a centre for thefaith was soon created in New Orleans withits fertile blend of French, Spanish andAfrican cultures. Today, 15% of New Orleanscitizens, and 60 million people worldwide,practise Voodoo. In 1996 it was also madethe official faith of Benin. Despite thisofficial recognition, there is still a great dealof mystery and fear attached to Voodoorituals.The Voodoo temple is called a Hounfour,and the leader of the ceremony is a malepriest called a Houngan, or a female priestcalled a Mambo. At the centre of the templethere is a post used to contact spirits, and ahighly decorated altar.
There is a feast beforethe ceremony, and a particular patternrelating to the Loa being worshipped isoutlined on the temple floor. Dancing andchanting accompanied by beats from rattlesand religious drums called Tamboulasbegins. One of the dancers is said to bepossessed by the Loa, enters a trance andbehaves just as the Loa would. An animal,normally a chicken, goat, sheep or dog, issacrificed and their blood is collected. Thisis used to sate the hunger of the Loa.Although these rites and rituals are usedfor good purposes – asking for guidance andhelp – there are some less wholesomepractices. Voodoo black magic is performedby Caplatas or Bokors who place curses, andstick pins in Voodoo dolls to cause peoplepain and suffering. However, this use ofVoodoo is very rare, and the faith ispromoted by its followers as being awonderful way to understand the humancondition and the world around us.
Eventhough some of the practices seem a littlestrange, are they really much different fromevangelist rituals or even archaic Catholicrites? As with many of Humanity’smysteries, a little tolerance andunderstanding goes a long way to revealingthe truth...