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Прощена Неділя .. Forgiveness Sunday

Прощена Неділя .. Forgiveness Sunday

Прощена Неділя .. Forgiveness Sunday

How to ask for forgiveness and what can not be done on this day

In 2018, forgiven Sundayfalls on February 18. This is the last day of Oily. Christians believe that on this day I have to apologize for all the atrocities committed throughout the year.Tradition of Forgiveness SundayAs the name suggests, on ForgivenessSunday there is a tradition of asking forgiveness. The repentant person says: "I'm sorry if you can," and the other one replies: "The Lord will forgive you, and I forgive you. And forgive me!

Christians ask for forgivenessfrom family, friends and acquaintances to start a fasting with a pure soul.Also, this Sunday, Christians are going to confess to the priest. In the churches, after the evening worship, there is a special remission of forgiveness, when priests and parishioners ask each other for forgiveness.ForgivenessSunday is also called Syroupustnaya, since from Monday begins the Lent, so it's the last chance when you can eat dairy products..

Christians also visit the graves of deceased relatives on this day and bring pancakes.What can not be done on ForgivenessSundayIf on Forgiveness Sunday someone asks forgiveness, you can not refuse this person in forgiveness. Also, this Sunday, you can not think bad, complain and conflict.In addition, on ForgivenessSunday, alcohol, meat and meat products can no longer be consumed. After all, the last week is preparing for the fast

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