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emma wallrup left party

emma wallrup left party

emma wallrup left party

The two left parties are both engaged in environmental issues and have collaborated professionally but have not had a private relationship. Emma Wallrup is a traffic policy spokesman for the Left Party, while Jens Holm is an environmental policy speaker.

Jens Holm, who has been given legal advice by lawyer Claes Borgström (known from Thomas Quickretegers and as Mona Sahlin's defender) has filed a police report relating to redundancies that he states began in 2012. Holm claims that Emma Wallrup has, among other things, made a jump and insinuation and done long statements about intimate things. The abuse must have been via email, SMS and telephone.

"The more I try to defeat me, the worse it will be. I have repeatedly asked her to end, but rather it has made matters worse. It has triggered her to keep in touch with me, "writes Jens Holm in her police report.

SMS has been sent for several years. Sometimes many in a short period of time (at one time Wallrup sent 28 sms in one morning) and several are very private, although not sexual nature, the Aftonbladet quotes extracts from conversations in the notification.

In 2015, Jens Holm made a first notification. Then the Left Party joined a labor lawyer and resolved it because Wallrup would no longer contact Jens Holm directly. Emma Wallrup says to News Today that she regrets that it all ended up facing open curse.

"I would like to resolve things internally. I do not want to hurt the party, she says.

Now she is going to police Jens Holm for prosecution and harassment.

- I've been exposed to a metoo.

"It's precisely that he has made the approach," says Emma Wallrup, who also says that Jens Holm made her excluded from a network of environmental issues where the two were involved.

The contacts she has brought with Jens Holm has been about resolving the problems that have been between the two according to Wallrup.

"I've been eager to solve this, it's a demand for solution," she says

But if you've been exposed to a "metoo", you still want to solve it internally?

- Yes, I can definitely think of solving it internally.

Emma Wallrup believes that Jens Holm's announcement is about strategy.

"This is a tactic for the nomination for the Riksdag. It's power games it's about. Now I want to defend myself, she says.

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