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Hum Dekhain Gay Urdu Hindi Lyrics - Faiz Ahmed Faiz

Hum Dekhain Gay Urdu Hindi Lyrics - Faiz Ahmed Faiz

Hum Dekhain Gay Urdu Hindi Lyrics - Faiz Ahmed Faiz
Hum Dekhain Gay Urdu Hindi Lyrics - Faiz Ahmed Faiz

Hum Dekhain Gay Urdu Hindi Lyrics - Faiz Ahmed Faiz

"Hum Dekhain Gay"Lazim Hai
Kay Hum Bhi Dhekhain Gay

Wo Din Kay Jis Ka Wada Hai
Joo Loh-e-Azal Pey Likha Hai

Jab Zulm-o-Sitam Kay Koh-e-Garaan
Roii Ki Tarhaa Udd Jai Gay

Hum Mehkumoon Kay Paoo Talay
Ye Dharti Dhad Dhad Dhadkay Gi

Aur Ahl-e-Hukm Kay Oper Jab
Bijli Kad Kad Khadkay Gi

Jab Arz-e-Khuda Kay Kabay Se
Sab Butt Othwaye Jai Gay

Hum Ahl-e-Safa Mardood-e-Haram
Masnad Pey Baithay Jai Gay

Sab Taaj Uchalay Jai Gay
Sab Takht Giraye Jai Gay

Bus Naam Rahe Ga Allah Ka
Joo Gaib Bhi Hai Hazir Bhi
Joo Nazir Bhi Hai Manzar Bhi

Othay Ga Analhaq ka Nara
Jo Me Bhi Hoon Aur Tm Bhi Hoo

Aur Raaj Krey Gi Khalqay Khuda
Jo Mein Bhi Hoon Aur Tm Bhi Hoo

"Hum Dekhain Gay"

Lazim Hai Kay Hum Bhi Dhekhain Gay

Faiz Ahmed Faiz

Conflict in India over Faiz's poem Hum Dekhain Gay Urdu Hindi Lyrics - Faiz Ahmed Faiz   (ہم دیکھے گے)

Faiz's poem,   'Hum Dekhain Gay', is a cause of contention these days at the leading Indian film and television institute of India (FTII).

Authorities gave notice to two students who were staying in a hostel located in the FTII building, they said.

According to news published in Indian media, the duo wrote 'Hum Dekhain Gay' on the wall which the authorities have termed as 'threatening', 'vandalism' and 'breaking the wall'.

When the BBC contacted Rohit Kumar, general secretary of the student union of FTII, a Pune-based organization, he said that the authorities had put the notice on hold after a full day's sit-in and discussion. It has been said that such a move will not be spared.

He said that the administration had previously said that "the notice issued to these people will be withdrawn only when they write a written apology and whitewash on the wall graffiti."

The students said that they had done nothing wrong and such notices were an attempt to curb their freedom of expression.

One of the two students who was given notice to vacate the hostel room by the evening of seven dates is from Kerala, India, while the other is from the eastern state of West Bengal, local newspaper Pune Mirror says. ۔

According to the Indian Express, one of them told Dewan that he had written a line of poem. "The poem has affected me on many levels and there is no resistance to it, but the administration has misunderstood it and they think we have protested against the renewal of canteen," he says.

According to the newspaper, the director of the organization, Bhupinder Canthaola, said: 'Two students have made graffiti on the FTTI's refreshingly refurbished canteen wall and door with intimidating slogans. This work has been secretly stolen at night. When the FTII guard stopped them, they did not stop. And that is unacceptable. '

Rohit Kumar said that it is not just the FTII but it is trying to control wherever there is an atmosphere of freedom of expression in the country.
He asked, 'What can be the problem with a poem, an eye and a fish? Nothing wrong has been written, no one has been abused, yet the coming of such notices proves how the students are trying to control them. '

Roht Kumar says that since his admission to the FTII, efforts to curb student activity have increased.

He said that the atmosphere of the country has changed in the last three to four years and such things are happening in other campuses.
It is to be noted that earlier, Faiz Ahmed Faiz's daughter was not allowed to come to India.

In a February 9, 2016 incident at JNU, Delhi's leading educational institution, the student union retained the conviction of the then president of the union, Kanya Kumar and scholar Omar Khalid.

The suspension of Omar Khalid from the university and a fine of Rs 10,000 on Kanhaiya Kumar has been maintained by a high-ranking committee.
Along with Omar Khalid, the decision to expel Mujeeb Gato and Anurban Bhattacharya from the university has been retained. The sentence will go into effect tomorrow, July 9.

Earlier, a photo of founder Pakistan Muhammad Ali Jinnah at the Union Hall of Students at Ali Garh Muslim University had been the subject of months of controversy.

"Hum Dekhain Gay" Urdu Hindi Lyrics - Faiz Ahmed Faiz

Who is Faiz Ahmad Faiz?

Faiz Ahmad Faiz is one of the fortunate poets of the twentieth century who got immense fame and popularity and greatness and love in his life. They tasted the cinnamon and enjoyed the colors of the little boy. He was a disciple of Allama Iqbal's teacher, Maulvi Mir Hassan. He also had the privilege of studying with Yusuf Saleem Chishti. But he could not accept Iqbal as a revolutionary religion and slogan through Islam. While Faiz dreamed of revolution through communism. This difference is evident in the poetry of both.
When Faiz took consciousness and started to say poetry, there was a wave of romance. Poets such as enthusiasm and kindness were engrossed in building imaginary paradise under spirituality. The literary tradition was held shoulder to shoulder by Asghar, Hasrat and Hazar. In the disguise of discipline, Akral Ayman, NM Rashid, and Mirage were playing their part in uniqueness. When Faiz started his academic life, he studied Marxism under the influence of Sahibzada Mehmood al-Zafar and his wife, Rashida Jahan, in Amritsar. Later when the progressive movement started, Faiz was one of its founding members. Despite enduring thousands of hardships and crossing the media and the media, Faiz did not create flexibility in his views or turn away. At the time when the doors of their homes were closed and the doors of the prisons were opened to the progressives, Faiz was associated with the movement, suggesting that Faiz was loyal to the conditional establishment. Faiz wanted to create a revolution in society that completely changed the existing exploitation system. He was convinced of the non-class system.
The lyrics under the progressive movement suffered greatly, but Faiz opted for lyrics to express progressive ideas. And writing lyrics instead of writing political resistance poems. Because they believed that political and resistance literature is too short.

"Hum Dekhain Gay" Urdu Hindi Lyrics - Faiz Ahmed Faiz


The main feature of Faiz's poetry is his devotional expression in which the colorful and cohesive layers of Tughluqs are depicted. This style of expression is the distinguishing feature of his poetry. The essence of interpretation and innovation of forms are its key components. His poems consist of pieces in which the pieces are seamlessly integrated. The components of the bean appear to be perfectly placed in such components and the reader is somewhat lost for a while.

"Hum Dekhain Gay" Urdu Hindi Lyrics - Faiz Ahmed Faiz

Self talk:

Most of Faiz's poems are examples of the word itself. The poet speaks for himself in this genre. Different ideas and ideas come to mind. No one else in the middle interferes. It has to be addressed either alone or in the present. This genre is very popular in English and a new addition to Urdu literature. Some of Faiz's poems are notable in this series. A few other modern poets have also experimented with it. But Faiz looks more successful and admirable.

"Hum Dekhain Gay" Urdu Hindi Lyrics - Faiz Ahmed Faiz

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