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Hazrat Fatima history

Name Fatimah (R.A)

Hazrat Fatima history

Fatimah (R.A) was a daughter of Hazrat Muhammad(S.A.W.W) and Hazrat Amma Khadija . she was wife of hazrat Ali RA and mother of Hazrat Hussain RA and Hazrat Hassan RA .
Fatimah RA was born In Makkah to Khajida RA the first wife of Hazrat Muhammad SAWW . she was born five years before the first Quranic  revelations ,during the time of rebuilding of Kaaba in 605 A.D . 

Fatimah RA was the fourth of Muhammad SAWW daughter after Zaynab, Ruqayya and Umm Kulthum.

Fatimah RA is given many titles by Muslims to show their admiration her of moral and physical characteristics. The most used title is Al Zahra meaning the ‘’shining one’’ and she is commonly referred to as FatimahZahra. She was also known as Al Batul ( the chaste and pure one ) as she spent much of her time in prayer reciting the Quran and other acts of worship 

Following the birth of Fatimah RA , she was personally nursed , contrary to local customs where the new born were sent to wet nurses in surrounding villages. She  spent her early youth under the care of the parents in Makkah in the shadow of her father at the hands of the Quraish.

According to traditions on one occasion while MuhammadSAWW was performing the prayer in kabbah Amr ibn Hisham ( Abu Jehl) and his men poured camel placenta over him . Fatimah RA upon hearing the news rushed to her father and wiped away the filth while scolding the men
Following death of her mother Fatimah RA over some by sorrow and found it very difficult to come to terms with her death. She was consoled by her   father show informed her that he had received word from the angel Gabriel that God had built for her a palace in paradise

Many of Muhammad companions asked for FatimahRA’s hand in marriage including Abu Bakr RA and Umar RA. Muhammad SAWW turned them all down , saying that he was awaiting a sign of her destiny. AliRA Muhammad SAWW’s cousin also had a desire to marry Fatimah RA but did not have the courage to approach Muhammad SAWW due to his AliRA’s poverty.

Even when he mustered up courage and went to see MuhammadSAWW , he could not vocalize his intention but remained silent . MuhammadSAWW understood the reason for his being there and prompted Ali RA to confirm that he had come to seek Fatimah RA in marriage. He suggested that Ali RA had a shield, which if sold would provide sufficient money to pay bridal gift as mahr .

 Muhammad SAWW put forward the proposal from Ali ra to Fatimah ra who remained silent and di not protest which Muhammad saww to be a sign of affirmation and consent at the beginning they were extremely poor for several after her marriage she di all of her work by her self the shoulder on which she carried pitcher of the water from the well was swollen and the hand with which she worked the hand mill to grind corn where often covered with blisters .

Their circumstances were akin to many of the muslims at the time and only improved following the bettle of Khyber . when the produce of Khyber was distributed among the poor when  the economic situation of the muslims become better. Fatimah gained some maids but treated them like her family and perform the house duties with them 

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