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Gardens of Babylon

Gardens of Babylon

Gardens of Babylon

Babylon was situated on the edge of Farat River in Mesopotamia ( Now Iraq). It was  very famous city for its civilizations and traditions. Babylon was 70 miles away from Baghdad and also was the one of the oldest cities of the world. The Gardens of Babylon stand in fourth position in wonders of the world.
 It was mentioned in the descriptions and writings four thousand BC. After engraving more of the Babylon's facts were opened for the world. It was only a small village for one thousand year and nobody know about it. But, when Hammurabi announced Babylon as its Capital , it became world's biggest and beautiful city. In 689 BC Ashori emperor attack on Babylon and ruined it but soon its was rebuilt. In 612 disloyalty against Ashori started , the Babylon city demolish completely. Babylon had ancient traditions.  Civilizations which remained for 1500 years BC were Babylon own civilizations.

 Babylon and other cities had their own Emperors. About 2400 years BC Sargon attacked whole Mesopotamia and made its own government which remained for two hundred years. Hammurabi was its head.
About 1600 years BC The Khatati nation again demolished Babylon. People of Babylon was interested in daily worldly routine and they were far away from their religion. They were very developed and they had carts with tyres. People of Babylon made amazing cities Which were very famous of their time . Their most famous places were The Bridge of Babylon and The Hanging Gardens of Babylon. They had a strong law for their business affairs. The mode of writing of Babylon had many signs and several signs made a complete word. They write with Sharpe wooden pen .

Shah Bakht Nasar who ruled over Babylon was born about 630 BC. He was a great Babylon ruler . He occupied the throne in 605 and ruled there for 44 years.
He spend most of his money on Babylon fort and other buildings of Babylon. He made Babylon a centre of   education and traditions.
Queen Ameetas was lovely queen of Bakht Naser and she was daughter of  Shah-e-Iran Keya Kasara. She lived in Hamadan. She lived her early ages in mountain areas. Hamdaan city is like a valley. It was very beautiful city. She loved mountain area and natural sceneries. That’s why she asked for beautiful gardens to Bakht Naser . Bakht Naser made up Babylon Gardens on the river bank of Farat. These gardens were going downwards to upwards.

 The story about making these gardens is so long and interesting. They made artificial mountain and then they decorated waves over waves. Each wave was as small as to her downward wave. You can say it was a four story building. Each wave had a chatter which going to backward. By this method an artificial mountain made up. They made a step by step classification of that garden. Then they made up strong template for fragile bushes and fragile trees which they brought from all over the Asian countries .

 Water was brought from River Euphrates and River Tigris for this garden. People who look at this garden from a little distance they think they are hanging in the air. Bakhr Naser also made up a pool in which many pipes were fitted from River  Tigris and River Euphrates. There were several pumps which worked for day and night and filled the pool all the times. Pipes were fitted from that poll to all the waves in which bushes and trees were grew. Encyclopedia of Dates says these gardens were made in 580 BC but no body knows how they ruined and who demolished these gardens..       

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