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The Curse of Tutenkhamun

The Curse of Tutenkhamun

IN  THE LATE nineteenth  century  a  young English  archaeologist  by  the  name  of Howard  Carter  was  convinced  that  there mains  of  the  ‘Boy  King’,  the  pharaoh Tutenkhamun,  lay  undisturbed  some wherein  Egypt.  Carter  first  arrived  in  Egypt  in1891, and eventually secured funding for hi sarchaeological  digs  from  the  wealthy  Lord Carnarvon  in  1917.  After  five  years  of  little success,  Carnarvon  gave  Carter  one  last season    of    financial    support.    On    4thNovember  1922,  Carter’s  team  found  a  step cut  into  the  rock  floor  of  the  Valley  of  the Kings. 

 As   they   dug   and   removed   thecovering  material,  they  discovered  a  set  ofsteps that ended at a door inscribed with thename  Tutenkhamun’.  Carter  ruled  that  they would   do   no   more   digging   until   Lord Carnarvon reached the site, and immediately sent a telegram back to Britain.Carnarvon  travelled  to  Egypt  and  together he   and   Carter   entered   the   tomb.   They discovered  a  fake  room,  a  storage  room  and then   the   burial   chamber.   Unlike   other pharaohs,    Tutenkhamun    had    lain    un-disturbed  since  death,  and  when  Carter  hadpeered  in  by  candlelight  he  discovered  anuntold  array  of  treasures.

 The  team  cata-logued  and  recorded  all  the  items  they found, the most impressive of which was the king’s sarcophagus     three   interlocking coffins, the last of which depicted the earthly form  of  Tutenkhamun  in  beautiful  gold metalwork.  Inside  this  lay  the  mummified body of the Boy King. Everyone celebrated atfinding  an  unplundered  tomb,  and  Carter’steam    felt    vindicated    in    their    search.However, there were rumours that Carter had removed  a  sign  above  the  tomb  door  that read ‘Death shall come on swift wings to him that toucheth the tomb of the Pharaoh’.In the spring of 1923, Lord Carnarvon was bitten   on   the   neck   by   a   mosquito.   He accidentally cut the bite whilst shaving, andthe  wound  became  infected.

 He  startedsuffering  fevers  and  chills  and  died  shortly after  in  Cairo  hospital.  It  is  believed  all  thelights  in  the  hospital  went  out  when  he passed  away,  and  his  favourite  dog  back  in England is said to have howled and dropped dead the same instant. The press had a field day, claiming it was the curse of the pharaoh–    strangely,    when    the    mummy    was unwrapped,  it  had  a  bite  on  the  cheek  inexactly  the  same  place  as  Carnarvon’s  had been.

 Over  the  next  few  years,  two  ofCarnarvon’s   relatives,   Carter’s   personalsecretary  and  several  others  connected  withthe  discovery  were  said  to  have  died  instrange  circumstances.  Each  time  one  died,the  British  media  linked  the  death  to  the curse. Some  historians  believe  that  the  AncientEgyptians placed poison inside the tombs togain  vengeance  on  grave  robbers.  Scientistshave  also  advanced  many  theories  in  recentyears  that  suggest  food  placed  inside  the tomb  to  help  the  dead  body’s  spiritual journey   may   actually   have   helped   the breeding   of   microscopic   spores   which entered  the  explorer’s  lungs  when  they opened   the   tomb.

   This   highly   volatile fungus,   which   would   have   developed uninhibited  over  3000  years,  then  caused terrible  fever  and  fatigue  in  the  bodies  it infected.  Certainly,  Lord  Carnarvon,  who was not in the best of health, would already have been tired from the long journey out to Egypt    and    would    therefore    be    more susceptible to infection..

But this theory does not totally explain the supposed  curse,  because  very  few  of  the people  who  were  actually  on  hand  died early. Of the 26 people present at the opening of  the  burial  chamber,  only  six  died  in  the following  ten  years.  At  the  sarcophagus opening, 22 were present, of whom six died within  a  decade,  while  nobody  who  helped unwrap  the  mummified  body  suffered  a nearly death. Carter himself, at the forefront ofall the discoveries, died of natural causes at the age of 66.However, 

Carnarvon  was  the  one  who funded  the  search,  was  and  the  first  on  site for  the  opening  so  it  may  be  possible  that Tutenkhamun  focused  his  ire  directly  onhim. It is certainly true that Cairo’s hospital’s lights failed at the time of his death, and the story   about   his   dog   has   never   been disproved. One final fascinating rumour  was that Carnarvon had given Carter a pet can aryas a token of good luck to find the tomb. Onthe day of its discovery, it is said that a cobra–  an  animal  symbolic  of  pharaohs    ate  the bird. In fact, Carter had it kept alive and well, although it did pass into the possession what could be thought of as another kind of snake– he gave it to a bank manager...........

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