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Sad Poetry English Sad Poetry In Urdu About Love 2 Line About Life By Wasi Shah By Faraz Allama Iqbal Photos Images Wallpapers

Sad Poetry English Biography

Source:- Google.com.pk  

I Am A Lonely Road Of Broken Dreams
Its A Boulevard Date M Searching For,
These Starz Are So Dull
Its A Moon Date I Am Searching For, ...
Happiness Is So Angry With Me
Its Life Date I Am Searching For,
My Life Is Just Like A Path
Its A Destination Date i Am Searching For,
Dont Know What Is It That Ive Lost
May Be Its  ME  Date I Am Searching For
D0 U Believed In L0VE
Em0ti0ns Run Deeper Than the Black H0le
It Is In This H0le That Many 0f Us Have Find
0ur Self
With N0 Way 0ut In 0ur Way 0ut We Find
Infinite L0ve Uh What Is L0ve
Is It That Deep V0ice Inside 0f U That
Tells U Yeah It S True L0ve
Th0se Nine Letter W0rd That Means The W0rld
T0 S0me0ne That Have Been Waiting A Life Time
T0 Said Th0se W0rds That Will Keep U Awake
T0ssing In Turning Between Ur Sheets
L00sing Y0urself In Ur 0wn Th0ughts
It Is That Kind 0f L0ve That Many Pe0ple
Are Afraid T0 Experimented Is T0day A
G00d Day T0 Play Russian R0ulette S0 Let
Me Fall In L0ve S0 I Can Pull The Trigger
An Find Myself With N0 Em0ti0ns
Nd Asking G0d With My Hands T0
The Skies Why Me Why U Have T0
Tell Me That U D0n T L0ve.

Everytime yOu Hurt Me..!!
But, I Dont Get Angry With You..!!
Everytime It Pains..!!
But, I Dont Say A Word To You..!!
Everytime You Say Sorry..!!
I Forgive You On The Spot..!!
Everytime You Make A Mistake..!!
I Punish Myself…. :/
That’s How Much I Love You….??
StOp leAding hEr On..!!
Her feelinDs are nOt a jokE..!!
If yOu know she likWs yOu more thAn a frienD..!!
thEn treAt heR the wAy yOu see hEr..!!
If yOu see her As a friEnd, thEn be a frienD..!!
If you see her more thAn a frienD..!!
then dOo somethinG abOut it..!!
But if you just wAnt to plAy arOund becAuse she’s “Easy”..!!
And get her hopes up fOr something thAt will never hAppen..!!
then thAt’s lOw of yOu..!!
She’s nOt a gAme..!!
neither are her feElinGs fOr yOu..!!

You meant so much to all of us,
You were special and that’s no lie,
You brightened up the darkest day,
And the cloudiest sky,

Your smile alone warmed hearts,
Your laugh was like music to hear,
I would give absolutely anything,
To have you well and standing near,

Not a second passes,
When you’re not on our minds,
Your love we will never forget,
The hurt will ease in time,

Many tears I have seen and cried,
They have all poured out like rain,
I know that you are happy now,
And no longer in any pain.
Never sAy yOu ArE hAppy whEn yOu arE sAd ..!!
NevEr sAy uyOu Are finE wHen yOu ArE not  Ok…!!
NEver sAy u fEel gOoD whEn YoU fEel bAd..!!
AnD nevEr sAy yOu ArE  alOne whEn I am  Still alivE…!
In My lifE I learnEd hOw 2 lOve…!!
HoW tOo smilE..!!
HoW tOo  Be happy..!!
hoW tOo Be strOnG..!!
HowtOo wOrk hArd..!!
How tOo Be hOnest..!!
How tOo Be fAithful..!!
how tOo  fOrGive..!!
But I cOuldn’t leArn hOw tOo FoRgEt yOuUu..!!!

Love: Why does it hurt?
y does it pain?
may be because we love someone
too much & too deep that sometime,
we forget to keep a little for ourselves !

Sôrry öf ßêïñg sô pòssëssîvê
Sörrý òf ßèíñg sø ëmöxïøñãl
Sørrý thãt Ï çrý før yôü
Sörrý ß’ëçøz Î çäñ’t lìvë wïdhöüt ýøü
Sörrý mý frïëñd Î mädè ýøü måd
Sôrrý dëãr ýôü ãrë sö säd
Sørrý för ñøt gïvîñg åñý hãppïñëss
Sôrrý ß’çôz îts mý dïgrãçë
Sørrý för thïñkîñg ôf ýöû sô vërý mûçh
Sörrý Î âlwåýs mïss ýôü
Sørrý ôf ßêïñg sô mãd âßøüt ýôû
Sôrrý før mý ëvêrý ßlüê
Sörrý ôf ßëïñg sø îmmãtûrê
Sørrý ñôw thåt çåñ’t ßë çùrëd
Sôrrý øf ßêïñg mýsêlf
Sørrý thät Î’vë fäîlêd
Ï’åm sørrý ãñd sØrrý ägãïñ
Sôrrý öf ßèïñg îñsãñê
ßüt ßêlïëvè mê….!!!!
Ï lôvÊ ÝÔÜ !!!!!!!!
Forgive Me for Liking You too much,
I’ll Forgive You for not liking Me Enough.. !

Forgive Me for the loud racing of My Heart,
I’ll Forgive You for not Hearing it.. !

Forgive Me for finding You Amazing,
I’ll Forgive You for never Noticing.. !

Forgive Me for;
Wanting to be with You more than anything,
I’ll Forgive You for avoiding Me.. !

Forgive Me for not being ableto let Go,
I’ll Forgive You for never Holding on…..
No one notice your tears,
No one notice your sadness,
No one notice your pains,
But they all notice your mistakes


Sad Poetry English Sad Poetry In Urdu About Love 2 Line About Life By Wasi Shah By Faraz Allama Iqbal Photos Images Wallpapers

Sad Poetry English Sad Poetry In Urdu About Love 2 Line About Life By Wasi Shah By Faraz Allama Iqbal Photos Images Wallpapers

Sad Poetry English Sad Poetry In Urdu About Love 2 Line About Life By Wasi Shah By Faraz Allama Iqbal Photos Images Wallpapers

Sad Poetry English Sad Poetry In Urdu About Love 2 Line About Life By Wasi Shah By Faraz Allama Iqbal Photos Images Wallpapers

Sad Poetry English Sad Poetry In Urdu About Love 2 Line About Life By Wasi Shah By Faraz Allama Iqbal Photos Images Wallpapers

Sad Poetry English Sad Poetry In Urdu About Love 2 Line About Life By Wasi Shah By Faraz Allama Iqbal Photos Images Wallpapers

Sad Poetry English Sad Poetry In Urdu About Love 2 Line About Life By Wasi Shah By Faraz Allama Iqbal Photos Images Wallpapers

Sad Poetry English Sad Poetry In Urdu About Love 2 Line About Life By Wasi Shah By Faraz Allama Iqbal Photos Images Wallpapers

Sad Poetry English Sad Poetry In Urdu About Love 2 Line About Life By Wasi Shah By Faraz Allama Iqbal Photos Images Wallpapers

Sad Poetry English Sad Poetry In Urdu About Love 2 Line About Life By Wasi Shah By Faraz Allama Iqbal Photos Images Wallpapers

Sad Poetry English Sad Poetry In Urdu About Love 2 Line About Life By Wasi Shah By Faraz Allama Iqbal Photos Images Wallpapers

Sad Poetry English Sad Poetry In Urdu About Love 2 Line About Life By Wasi Shah By Faraz Allama Iqbal Photos Images Wallpapers

Sad Poetry English Sad Poetry In Urdu About Love 2 Line About Life By Wasi Shah By Faraz Allama Iqbal Photos Images Wallpapers

Sad Poetry English Sad Poetry In Urdu About Love 2 Line About Life By Wasi Shah By Faraz Allama Iqbal Photos Images Wallpapers

Sad Poetry English Sad Poetry In Urdu About Love 2 Line About Life By Wasi Shah By Faraz Allama Iqbal Photos Images Wallpapers

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