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English poetry 8 kiss poetry

Whats life ? Life is love.

Whats love ? Love is kissing.

Whats kissing ? Come here and I show you.

 Kiss me and you will see stars

 Love me and I will give them to you.

 “love is sweet love is blind

love is sweet love is blind

if i kiss you plz dont mind”

  “Kiss Me In The Light..

Love Me In the Dark..

Hold Me ? till The End…

And I Promise I won’t Break Your Heart ”

 Smile is the 2nd best thing

you can do with your Lips.

What is first thing?

ans: kiss

A kiss is something

you cannot give without taking

and cannot take without giving.

Kiss is fly from lips,

Lips is wet also kiss,

Dont miss a kiss

it is a valve of this,

A page is yellow

in which you will find a fellow

who will kiss you under the pillow.

Lady: Doctor I have infection in my lips.

Doctor: how many times tou kiss?

Lady: once in a year!

Doctor: its not infection it is rust.


Kiss Definition in Physics:
 “Kiss is the process of charging up human bodies”

Kiss Definition in Computer:-

“Like bodies are connected without any DATA CABLE”

What is the kiss in view…….

Geometry:- “Kiss is the shortest distance between 2 Lips”

Economics:- “Kiss is that thing 4 which DEMAND

is always higher than SUPPLY”


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